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Sierra Leone

Joy In Sierra Leone


Joy In Sierra Leone


joy-in-sierra I arrived in Sierra Leone with some expectations since some friends had gone a couple of years before, but nothing can prepare you for what you see when you arrive. The kids and staff were all outside waiting for us and singing “Welcome … we love you in Jesus’ name”. They had spelled out “Welcome” in white painted rocks in front of their humble home. It’s an emotional first glimpse into the lives of these orphans. This is not my first orphanage experience. I arrived at an orphanage in Fuling China in July of 2005 to hold babies and give the nannies a much needed break, and I returned in March of 2006 to pick up a 9 year old boy who we adopted. God sometimes has plans that are different than ours.

This trip to Sierra Leone pulled at my heart strings just as much, only these children have the blessing of growing up with Pastor Rogers, the orphanage director, as their surrogate father. I was drawn to the spiritual maturity of the children and spent a great deal of time getting to know them and listening to their stories. Several teenage girls took me aside and asked me to be their mum. My teenage daughter was on the trip with me so my heart just broke for these girls. As much as they are loved and cared for in this home, they know that life will be very difficult for them as they grow older.

Something that made a lasting impact on me is an experience we had with all of the teenage girls and Mrs. Rogers. We gathered in a circle and asked questions of one another. One question that was posed to them was to tell us something they like about themselves and then something they like about the person next to them. They really felt uncomfortable talking about themselves, but loved saying nice things about their “sisters”. In Sierra Leone, they don’t have electronics and stuff to fill their lives with. So they take the time to pray and worship and read. They are poor financially but rich in spiritual values. I so want to be like them in that way!!! I vowed to change my ways when I returned home but our culture sucks you in like a vacuum. Some of the girls made bracelets for me and I have them on my dresser to remind me to live a rich spiritual life, like they do.

When I heard a team was returning in January, I had to write letters to my “kids” and let them know how much I love them. I received so many letter back as they expressed their appreciation for Americans and how we help them. They appreciate the water well they have and the pigs and their home and they know many people sacrificed so they could have these essentials. Giving towards this project makes a very broad positive impact.

I look forward to my return next year along with my daughter who went last year and another daughter who wants to meet all these wonderful children. Pastor Rogers, his staff, and New Hope Initiative are changing a corner of the world one orphan at a time and needs the support of people like us. Will you consider being a part of that change?

By Joy Nobilini


A New Hope In Sierra Leone


A New Hope In Sierra Leone


My name is Moses Kallon and I was born in Sierra Leone. My parents divorced when I was one and a half and my mother gave me to my grandmother to care for me. She tried her best to tend to my needs, but by the time I was eight we were struggling to get by. I began working for people who would give me food or a little money. I did this for 2-3 years, but it was not meeting my needs. I started stealing from people’s farms for fruits, vegetables, and chickens. I would either eat what I stole or sold the goods so I could buy clothing. On the occasion when I was caught in the act, I was beaten severely without any mercy. Although I suffered many pains and anguish from being beaten, I continued to steal. This was the only way I could survive. When I was ten my older brother came from another village and paid the school fees for me. This was my first time attending school. My life improved, but after I completed grade four my brother could no longer afford the school fees or help my grandmother purchase food.


In 2005 God smiled on me when He brought Pastor Rogers from Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, to our village of Moribatown. I went to his house asking for work in order to feed myself. After some time, he recognized my hard work and humility. He later took me in as his own child, allowing me to stay in his house with his family. We stayed there for three years or so, living an average life in that difficult time after the war. During this period, Pastor Rogers introduced me to Jesus Christ and the salvation He offered by dying on the cross.

Pastor Rogers is a man of God with a huge heart for the suffering children of Sierra Leone. It is for this reason that he sought to build an orphanage. In 2008 he met a missionary from the U.S., David Tanner. David brought the project to Pastor Sandy Baird who put our future dreams in motion. In 2009 both men brought a small team with them in order to establish a feeding program

God once again blessed my life as I met Phil d’Entremont. God placed Phil and I together on his first day in Sierra Leone. The team had broken into small groups to teach Bible lessons to the children and I was in Phil’s group. I took it upon myself to be Phil’s interpreter between the children and him.

Since that day Phil has treated me as one of his own. He financially supports me, encourages me, and even disciplines me when necessary (thankfully only once, but my actions justified his and Pastor Rogers’ rebukes). Phil is always looking out for my best interests. I was so pleased when New Hope Initiative appointed him to be the director of the orphanage project. I gave my life to Christ when I met Pastor Rogers, but I felt the love, care, and concern of Christ when I met “Daddy” Phil. I hope to graduate high school in the next few years and I know “Daddy” Phil will do what he can to assist me in growing into the successful man God wants me to become.

My life has forever changed under the programs and dwellings established by New Hope Initiative. I can now boast of eternal security in Christ Jesus. I now have a hope of a brighter and useful future. May God bless all the sponsors and supporters of the Karen Baird’s Children’s Home.

By Moses Kallon


Letter from Pastor Rogers

Dear All, We are grateful to God for your self-sacrifices in making our once hopeless children now bounce with hope.  We are grateful to you for making this project a wonder in our small village and its environs.  If not for the love of Christ in your hearts, these children would not have become what they are today.  Our children want to be in touch with their sponsors very often, but Internet is a luxury in our village.  I have been trying everyday for a week to find a strong enough signal to send this message.  Cell communication is also poor in our remote setting.

Pastor Francis Rogers

Everyone here is healthy and kicking.  Prayer for you, our sponsors, is a must in our daily devotions.  The kids are curious to see those who have never seen them but love them so much.  This is because we let the children know who is sacrificing so much to give them a future. 

The love of Christ is vividly shown to our community through this project and to some extent, makes evangelism easy to the lost.  This would not have been possible without you.  God could have chosen to use another person, but He chose you and that makes your sacrifice for these kids very significant. Especially since this is the first project of its kind in our entire district!

Once more, we are grateful for your great love for us.  We assure you that your donations are raising a mighty army for the Lord.  He will richly bless you.  We love you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

For and on behalf of the kids, Pastor Francis Rogers - Home Director


Sierra Leone Update

The Sierra Leone Project is moving forward all in God’s timing. Praise the Lord! Although some of the children recently contracted chicken pox, they are all happy and excited with the positive changes in their lives. The introduction of sewing machines and Garcia tie dying should assist in developing new skills. The children just completed their inter-house sports meet with the blue team coming out on top. Between school and sports the children help by doing chores around the orphanage including laundry, cleaning, cooking, and dishes. Everyone also pitched in and cleared two acres of land for the planting of cassava (a staple in their diet). The children are eager to help with projects that will improve their diet. A small pig farm is high on the prayer list at the home.

Please pray for the children and workers at the Karen Baird’s Children’s Home. Please pray for their safety and health, for funding for a pig farm, and an increase in the monthly support that is raised for the home. May all the honor and glory from this project be given to God and that the Gospel of Christ continues to be proclaimed in Sierra Leone. God Bless and Thank you!

By Phil d’Entremont
